
Stanway in Colchester


Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Wednesday afternoons
2nd Wednesday of the month
Venue: Stanway area

This new monthly quiz has generated a lot of interest.

Venue : Stanway

Frequency: 2nd Wednesday each month commencing 13 September 2023

Times: 2pm-4pm

Cost is £3.00 per person which covers hall hire, refreshments and small prizes.

Please arrive a little early to sign the register, etc. You must be a member of Stanway or Colchester U3A so please bring your membership card. You don’t need to bring a team with you, just turn up and sit at whichever table you like. A good way to make new friends.

If you would like to join the group please use the above link to contact the Group Leader.

Last Updated on 8th February 2024